Laura Delano
Laura Delano
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Laura Delano on Overcoming Labels and Facing Painful Emotions
In Fall 2019, Laura Delano shared what it was like to be diagnosed "mentally ill" as a teenager and how she found life beyond labels by learning to be with her emotional pain. The video was produced by Live Different, a Canadian-based charity, for their Own Your Story series.
-Learn more about Laura here:
-Visit Inner Compass Initiative here:
-To learn about safer psychiatric drug tapering, visit The Withdrawal Project here:
Shared with the generous permission of Live Different. Find more about the organization here:
Переглядів: 9 798


Recovering from Psychiatry- How I Grieved Fourteen Years Lost to Psychiatry, and Reclaimed My Life
Переглядів 32 тис.10 років тому
In this video, Laura Delano talks about grieving the loss of fourteen years to psychiatric labels and psychotropic drugs, and how she reclaimed her life. Along the way, she offers tips and suggestions for those in their own process of grieving loss to Psychiatry. Find more at
Recovering from Psychiatry- Tips and Some Hope For Those in Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal
Переглядів 60 тис.10 років тому
This video offers tips, suggestions, and hope for those in psychiatric drug withdrawal from ex-patient Laura Delano. laurafdelano
Recovering from Psychiatry- Reflections on Life, Death, and Suicide
Переглядів 14 тис.10 років тому
This video explores life, death, and suicide from the perspective of suicide attempt survivor and ex-"Bipolar" patient, Laura Delano. Find more about Laura at her website,
Recovering From Psychiatry- The Power of Psychiatric Diagnosis
Переглядів 18 тис.10 років тому
ex-"Bipolar" patient Laura Delano discusses the impact that psychiatric diagnosis had on her life, and the broader implications we face from the medicalization of human experience. Find her at and recoveringfrompsychiatry
Recovering from Psychiatry- Life Beyond Psychiatric Labels and Psychotropic Drugs
Переглядів 12 тис.10 років тому
An introduction to my new website,, and a warm welcome to any and all who believe in or who are starting to wonder that perhaps there could be life beyond psychiatric labels and psychotropic drugs. Recovering from Psychiatry will host my own writing as an ex-"Bipolar" patient, as well as resources, information, and grassroots mutual support building opportunitie...


  • @xxxxxxxxx589
    @xxxxxxxxx589 6 днів тому

    Shes right we are being labeled as mentally ill its just a label .Most of us come from difficult life circumstances or childhoods or general miserbabel lifes.We are just as normal as other people .

  • @g1fcg
    @g1fcg 11 днів тому

    Psychiatry is corrupt - the DSM is corrupt - its all about 'big pharma' controlling 'where the money goes' - the psychiatrists get paid to 'peddle' these drugs!!

  • @noelgillett346
    @noelgillett346 11 днів тому

    all that is professionalism must be understood as the outgrowth of oligarchical Satanism, with the mental health profession as one among the most venomous aspects of the infernal serpent as understood in scripture. the mumbo-dumbo-jumbo of nonsense spoken as a means of evading this core point attests to the willingness of the victim to serve itself up as an object of ritual sacrifice amidst the great blood ritual that is civilization itself. "are we not men...we are DEVO..." "same as it ever was.." ..."and the days go bye."

  • @gagutopia
    @gagutopia 19 днів тому

    Medication is poison pure poison all of it

  • @gagutopia
    @gagutopia 19 днів тому


  • @TalRachman
    @TalRachman 24 дні тому

    Is there a way to adjust the volume of this video? It is very low even on the highest possible.

  • @brielleanyez7113
    @brielleanyez7113 26 днів тому

    Thankyou 😊

  • @brielleanyez7113
    @brielleanyez7113 26 днів тому

    Excellent. I know this was 9 years ago, so I'm praying you are ok. Thankyou❤

  • @elcapitan24
    @elcapitan24 Місяць тому

    Your videos and attitude have helped me a lot.

  • @elcapitan24
    @elcapitan24 Місяць тому

    i'm taking the risk and doing cold turkey from anti psych depots wish me luck

  • @rotikithaali8959
    @rotikithaali8959 Місяць тому

    I was on parexitone for 7 years, Its been 11 months, first couple of months were horrible Im normal now apart from low reading and low confidence

  • @pida9669
    @pida9669 Місяць тому

    14:30 "The purpose of life is not the absence of suffering, it's to embrace the full spectrum of human experience, even _all the suffering_ , and to see it as something meaningful. Now that I see all that, I'm able to have peace and joy even in the midst of the storms, and man there's a storm right now."-Laura Delano

  • @pida9669
    @pida9669 Місяць тому

    It's totally valid to feel grief and anger at the way you were mistreated! 😡Too many of us bottle up our painful feelings, seeing them as "bad"... but they are part of what makes us human and they ultimately help us to become the best version of ourselves. I had depression for many years and was put on antidepressants, which didn't help much and gave me nightmares and killed my sexuality. It was only when I switched to natural approaches that my depression went away for good, like jogging, and eating whole foods, and trying not to numb my painful feelings. I've documented a long list of natural lifestyle methods to treat depression and anxiety in my free book _The Sudist Way_ if anyone wants to try the approach I took. 14 years without anxiety or depression and counting!

  • @YisroelFeldman-jg5gv
    @YisroelFeldman-jg5gv Місяць тому

    For quite a long time, I took quite a lot of abuse from different areas of the "standard" "establishment" mental (UN)-heath care system. Part of this was that for several years, I was put on a couple of psychotropic medications, the main one being the antipsychotic Trilafon. Thank The Lord, I never experienced any signs of the "classic" side effect of antipsychotics: Tardive Dyskinesia; however, the many side effects that I did experience were horridly destructive. The one that was most noticeable was I became excessively tired, needing excessive amounts of sleep. Another one that was much more serious was that my immunity was gravely injured. I had frequent bouts of fevers, strep throats, and a heavy bronchitis that lingered on for many, many weeks and did not clear until, for a brief time, I stopped the Trilafon. After restarting Trilafon, again, I was extremely tired and, again had bronchitis. Furthermore, I got a severe eye infection with pale yellowish colored pus dripping from my eye that lingered on and on for months. Thank The Lord though, I did find a different psychiatrist who consented to take me off Trilafon, but, as related in the many videos here, the tapering-down-to-zero process takes a very long time and must be done extremely carefully and extremely gradually. Even after ending Trilafon, side effects persisted. I had further infections of Candida/yeast and parasites and the immune deteriorations exploded into being massively crippled by Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. This is a very severe immune breakdown where the patient gets gravely sick from exposure to even miniscule traces of many commonly used modern day chemical products, like floor cleaners, bug sprays, weed killers, air fresheners, and laundry detergents. The many treatments for it are all in the realm of the Natural Healing & Integrative Medical fields, for which there is very little assistance.

  • @gojo-zn7du
    @gojo-zn7du Місяць тому

    🫂💖 thank you for your kind words. I really love this video. I'll be sure to come back to it again and again whenever I feel down. Tbh I'm progressing with my recovery but today idk why I was feeling really down. Maybe it's cuz of the weather. It's very cloudy here so. But thank you for your kind words.

  • @celestepiccolo6586
    @celestepiccolo6586 Місяць тому

    Thank you for your message. ❤ I’ve taken it to heart.

  • @celestepiccolo6586
    @celestepiccolo6586 Місяць тому

    Woah! Your message has given me chills multiple times. I have had tears try to come out multiple times as well. Thank you. I feel so connected to you. This year has been the biggest turning point of my life. It all started when a trusted doctor phoned me and told me to read Anatomy of an Epidemic. I’m going to finally find freedom after 20 of my 36 years of life. I feel like my life is going to be way more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.

  • @celestepiccolo6586
    @celestepiccolo6586 Місяць тому

    20 out of 36 years 😢

  • @michaelcummings8744
    @michaelcummings8744 Місяць тому

    May you be blessed! This was a priceless video full of so much love and wisdom, powerful and healing and a rare gem! Thank you!!!

  • @michelleandrews5527
    @michelleandrews5527 2 місяці тому

  • @celestepiccolo6586
    @celestepiccolo6586 2 місяці тому

    I am currently tapering from my final drug. Twenty years on psych drugs. I need to find myself or find myself again. Your words are very helpful to me. ❤ I’m a young 36 year old mother of three children.

  • @esn2455
    @esn2455 2 місяці тому

    Sadly I don’t think I can ever come off of everything. Things go sideways for me and my mania spins up so far that I can end up in psychosis, and if it’s just that I would consider it manageable to a degree but it’s always a spiral.

  • @mohitojha7730
    @mohitojha7730 2 місяці тому

    "mental illness" is a manisfestation of sustained societal apathy . be it ADHD, anxiety , depression . As a whole society has failed you on some level ,whether consciously or subconsciously. every part of experience in life adds up to the misery . Medicines suppress those emotions ;suppression means that the emotions are brewing and boiling and expanding and getting more intense . the emotions until unless released , the release might take from months to years sometime , there is no end to suffering until than . the problem of modern societies/civilisation(the more developed the worst, house of bricks makes life miserable) is that we are bounded to the materials , our jobs , money; specially the most . for human brains through the development of BILLION OF YEARS( if you include 3 billion year old history of life on earth itself) the pursuit of survival was not this small object called MONEY ; It was greater things like genetic winning, evolving through different species in billions of years and , THE REAL POWER STRUGGLE . Suddenly , the modern societies ( at some point during the development of human civilisation thousands of years ago) human mind concluded itself that ITS TOO GREAT FOR THE NATURE IT LIVES IN .Human being in its evolutionary development , developed a superiority complex over any other species ( from millions ) we have lost the subconscious touch with them at some crucial point of our evolution. proponents of psychiatry would say that human mind is inheritently too complex( superior) from any other species known ( on earth atleast ) hence the phenomena of mental disorder is most privalent or at all prevalent only in human beings . but what psychiatry misses is the INDIVIDUALISATION of the sufferer . every sufferer , suffering from any illness/ disorder has his unique triggers / remedies . sadly yet of now , psychiatry has not been able to resolve any suffering from the MEDICINES , medicines are coping mechanism at the most dire times but dont resolve the underlying DIS-ORDER . the subconscious apathy of the modern societies seems like the root cause of all the discontent in human minds . the proof of such apathy is to treat someone with different emotions as abnormal / disoriented , from anyone who has not experienced THOSE DISORDERED EMOTIONS or were atleast adopted the ORDERED EMOTIONS that were forced into them through social conditioning . i suffer from bipolar, ocd , social phobia etc and deep down i know that the neglect or arrogance my fragile emotional mind took is the root cause of all my mental suffering yet i feel helpless because of the rhythm and patterns of suffering my mind has adopted subconsciously and how , even though knowing the cause can hardly find any solace within the arrogant (insecure) society .

  • @janetnash8588
    @janetnash8588 2 місяці тому

    The realization that big pharma and doctors could be so wrong. At this point if I had cancer I doubt I would even see a doctor again. I had severe chest pain last summer for an extended period of time. I had never had chest pain before but it was so bad that I thought I might die of a heart attack. But if I called the hospital I knew they would say I was delusional and forcibly poison me just like so many had accused me of being delusional for being raped by my police officer/scout leader who ambushed me in the dark outside of the bathroom, bit me and anally raped me when I was a kid, while carrying his police revolver. They didn't believe that a police officer would rape a child. They did not believe that a scout leader would rape a child. They did not believe that a girl could be a boy scout even though this has been the reality since the 1970s. So everything I said was considered a delusion and I was viewed with great suspicion. What kind of evil monster would accuse such a good man as one who would lead cute Americana scouting experiences? There were even mumbles by a family member to call a Priest to have me exorcized. What an evil child, a little Lo9lita or a Temptress. I was very close to my father but even he couldn't believe it. The rapist had come to my family home months before raping me to try to convince my parents that I had lost my virginity and was promiscuous. He, a 32 year old adult, said he had heard this through gossip of teen boys. I never could understand why he did that until after he raped me. My mother and his wife were my only two allies. Everyone was calling me crazy, a whore and a home wrecker. I ran away from home and tried to kill myself several times, to no avail. The rapist's wife found out what basement couch I was sleeping on when whomever's parents were out of town and told me that she was divorcing the rapist because he raped her as a kid too. He had chosen to anally rape me because she was forced to marry her rapist by their Catholic parents when the rapist got her pregnant. She was raped repeatedly by the rapist for 7 years and when he raped me she took her 2 children, the result of rapes, with her when she divorced him. I could not divulge that secret or else the kids and she would be bullied like I was being bullied. I knew it would not stop my bullying so I protected them with silence. I was driven onto the streets and went from a wonderful life to 44 years of pure unadulterated hell drugging the "child seductress", and being locked in hospital ten times. Then news about scouts being raped became common and I heard many times that a group of people began a lawsuit against them. They were looking for other scouting victims. I avoided the media for two years until one day the cop who raped me more than 4 decades before contacted me on facebook. I spiraled into the most intense fear of my life. I suppose he was going to try to gaslight me again and try to convince me not to join the case. But my attorneys and the local police said that he now has a reason to make me disappear and the only way to make sure to name him as a suspect was to join this case. It was hell reliving the rape and explaining the worst trauma of my life to complete strangers. Friends and family abandoned me because they have Saintly images of an organization who knew they were attracting epidemic numbers of violent pedophiles and they covered it up. They did nothing to protect kids and went for the marketing to the new "feminism" trend of the 70s. They brought in the gender most vulnerable to sexual assault; Girls. The attorneys thought a couple thousand would join the case nation wide. There are 82,209 plaintiffs, survivors of sexual assault in the Boy Scouts. From the BSA own vaults, over one million children have been sexually assaulted in the scouts since they began a century ago. After the rapist tried to contact me during the pandemic, I joined the case in the last week before the deadline to join. But the unfathomable stress and fear while trying without help to detox from years of psychiatric poisons, put me in the hospital for 6 weeks. In Vermont, they have continued to gaslight me to this day. They even had a court order to forcibly poison me and have my second amendment rights taken from me even though I have zero crimes, not even a speeding ticket, on my record much less any violent crimes. But the rapist still carries his guns. He is an enthusiast. And now he knows where I live. And I am not sure how anyone cannot see the misogyny in drugging a rape victim with drugs marketed as "chemical lobotomies" and "chemical restraints" while I have presented them with the sacreen shot of the rapists contact attempt. The rapist never sought mental health care...he lost his job and his wife but the world patted him on the back. And in the same manner he robbed me of my agency by gaslighting me and forcing his penis inside of me to feel supremely powerful under the guise of caring for children....the psychiatrists and their ilk robbed me of my agency by gaslighting me and forcing their drugs inside of me to feel supremely powerful under the guise of caring. The rapist came first and made me vulnerable to other's abuse by discrediting me, but I consider the psychiatrists to be much much worse. I wish for them at least as bad a fate as they have forced upon me...every bit of that hell and more. Now I am drug free for three years and I will never go back. There never was anything wrong with me and the shrinks worked with the rapist to destroy my life. The judge and the other survivors have no problem believing me. They have told me several times that I have more evidence than all other 82,208 survivors. And now it is time to make certain that those who gaslit and poisoned so many child rape survivors are discredited.

  • @justmeagain-xp2mw
    @justmeagain-xp2mw 2 місяці тому

    I feel like im between a rock and a hard place. I know i don't want to take antidepressants anymore because they make me sick. But on the other hand, i just cannot live with this depression. I don't know what to do. Will i just have to always be in extreme emotional pain?

    • @g1fcg
      @g1fcg 11 днів тому

      Talking therapy to address traumas in your life - find a decent trauma counsellor - those drugs don't work.

  • @Ycnan111
    @Ycnan111 2 місяці тому

    Thanks you

  • @kreepergrlz
    @kreepergrlz 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for your encouragement @LauraDelano. 18 months since my cold turkey discontinuation of anti psychotic meds, anti anxiety meds, anti depressant meds etc. etc. (l was diagnosed with ever changing "conditions" and "illnesses" for over 30 yrs, force medicated and often mandatorily hospitalised) and l find the resulting physical illness and pain most difficult to deal with. After trying to escape psych meds and treatments so many times over those years l expected the mental struggles and lack of understanding but didn't forsee the physical damage. Doctors can find no core underlying problem after so many tests and l can only assume it's part of the withdrawal. Your vid reinforced and validated those thoughts. l'm over 50 now and can't know if these problems and the associated chronic pain will ever subside but being connected to my life again , however heartbreaking a lot of it is, means more to me than l can find words to describe. My thoughts and solidarity are with anyone who relates. <3 ** Huge shoutout to my son Conrad. Without his advocacy and support from afar l would never have escaped the nightmare rabbithole of psychiatric misdiagnosis and would probably not be here now.

  • @catmando268
    @catmando268 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for making this video.

  • @samu_lab
    @samu_lab 2 місяці тому

    Thanks a lot for sharing this powerful testimony!

  • @soilmanted
    @soilmanted 2 місяці тому

    Thomas Szasz, _The Manufacture of Madness_

  • @nilynazemzadeh9271
    @nilynazemzadeh9271 3 місяці тому

    anyone want to be my community to get through this process?

  • @SaraiintheSky
    @SaraiintheSky 3 місяці тому

    Thank you so much for sharing. You’re so brave! This definitely gives me hope. I’ve been diagnosed as bipolar I, and they want me to stay on antipsychotics. These drugs make me feel so lethargic-like life itself is completely meaningless. I feel so disconnected to my spirituality and my music. I get horrible heartburn, eat like garbage, and I’ve put on some weight. These drugs are totally neurotoxic, however so is being bipolar and having mania. I do think my best hope is to stay off the medication and focus on exercise, diet, and mindfulness. I really do hope I can recover, because I feel like I’ve lost so much brain function, and iq. It’s hard to formulate sentences in my mind. These words are so fragmented and far apart. I feel like I used to be very intelligent and that that is slipping away from me. Anyways, your video gives me hope that I can deal with my burdens (lots of trauma) and push past these highs and lows. Thank you for speaking up against psychiatry!

  • @MariaRivera-kk3sx
    @MariaRivera-kk3sx 3 місяці тому Hello Laura. My name is yazmin Rivera and I'm a victim of police brutality. They are gangstalking me, torturing me and injecting me with invega every three months at macneal hospital. My psychiatrist Dr. Andrei pankov is lying in my chart and billing meridian thousands of dollars. I have a pituitary tumor because of these invega injections. I don't want to take cabergoline because of the horrible side effects. How can I stop these injections before it's too late?

  • @sobberin
    @sobberin 3 місяці тому

    Is this real to find people who support?

  • @sobberin
    @sobberin 3 місяці тому

    Were you forced to take these poisons under the threat of physical violence?

  • @shaun4443
    @shaun4443 3 місяці тому

    These doctors are so quick to prescribe these, I am 6 months off Zoloft, was on them 3 years and never again! but I'm still having a difficult time. can't sleep feeling anxious and depressed!

  • @tigerlily9234
    @tigerlily9234 3 місяці тому

    I can’t believe this was made 9 years ago. I’m 28 and have been on them since my teens. I get manipulated back into thinking I need medication. I need to say no more.

  • @capresti3537
    @capresti3537 3 місяці тому

    Psychiatrists DESTROY lives with PSEUDOSCIENCE.

  • @user-hr6gf4gn4e
    @user-hr6gf4gn4e 4 місяці тому

    Stopping my meds has made for a much worse state than I was in prior

  • @DeliveranceIsReal
    @DeliveranceIsReal 4 місяці тому

    Thank you sincerely for the hard work you do

  • @DeliveranceIsReal
    @DeliveranceIsReal 4 місяці тому

    Wow, you are so inspirational... finding your channel gives me hope for those with these harmful labels and thank you for speaking out about it!

  • @juangaby
    @juangaby 4 місяці тому

    I am not in recovery. AT least I don't feel like it. But man have they harmed me

  • @Adrian-oq3en
    @Adrian-oq3en 4 місяці тому

    Loved your video.. I'm allegedly scizho but refuse to wear that label.. I've been on different medications for over ten years and in and out of hospitals.. I've been able to live a normal life somewhat and even have kids of my own I've been blessed to watch grow and flourish.. They claim without their medications I will lose my kids and end up homeless this is a direct quote.. This is month 2 for me free of these drugs (invega) my hands have stopped shaking and I sleep a normal sleep cycle no 4 hour naps which had become part of my routine.. Am I scared? A Little I guess part of me thinks it's easier to believe all them.. but I will never forgive myself if I don't get to grow old and watch my children become what faith has destined because of drugs and medical judgement. I have no support as mostly everyone around me advocates these treatments.. I think this video could not have found me at a better time And I just want to say.. Thank you.

  • @incognito595
    @incognito595 4 місяці тому

    Laura, You Are A Trailblazer. Thank you.

  • @incognito595
    @incognito595 4 місяці тому

    There are many, many people we have to thank for exposing this Crime Against Humanity. Speaking for myself, I just didn't know where to look, until it was way too late for me to save myself. I lost most of my life to this horror. I will forever grieve the life that was taken from me.

  • @incognito595
    @incognito595 4 місяці тому

    I grieve for the several decades I have lost to this crime. I don 't have a life because of them.

  • @lgstyli374
    @lgstyli374 4 місяці тому

    I have a problem I took psych drugs only 1 month by accident. since then i never take it anymore and didn't go to psychiatrist now i feel better but I had been obsessed about the fact I took it and can't live like before how to stop this?

    • @Ann11972
      @Ann11972 3 місяці тому

      I promise you can get through it, I was on bad (psych) drugs for many years, been almost 2 years “clean” and am about 98% “normal” May I ask what you took / dosage?

    • @lgstyli374
      @lgstyli374 3 місяці тому

      @@Ann11972 resperidon 2 mg

    • @lgstyli374
      @lgstyli374 3 місяці тому

      ​@@Ann11972resperidon 2 mg

  • @taraelizabethdensley9475
    @taraelizabethdensley9475 5 місяців тому

    Hoping to get off the psychiatric poisons, even though my mental health team want me to stay on them for life. Not only have they caused my weight to balloon, i now have thyroid problems and high blood sugar. These "medications" are doing more harm then good

  • @58s-
    @58s- 5 місяців тому


  • @joksal9108
    @joksal9108 5 місяців тому

    Wise words.